OverDrive / Libby

See more: eLibrary, eBooks


OverDrive / Libby

Thousands of eBooks, eAudioBooks and eMagazines are available for you to read through our OverDrive subscription, free to access with your Library card.

Please note:

"Libby" is now the primary app that users should download to enjoy and engage with Overdrive!

The OverDrive app is being phased out and will be removed from the Apple App Store, Google Play, and Microsoft Store in February 2022.

How this initial change will impact users

  • Current OverDrive app users can continue to use the app.
  • New users looking for the OverDrive app will be directed to Libby.
  • All users can continue to use, borrow, and open titles from our library’s OverDrive website via a browser.


Did you know your library has eReaders for loan?  Take eBooks with you on the go with devices designed for reading on!  Ask the librarians for more information.

Need Help with OverDrive / Libby?

We have a article about that!  Check it out here.

To log-in to Overdrive / Libby  you will need to use 13 digits of your library card number, all  of the numbers (including the zeroes)  except for the last single digit.  There are also no spaces.

Library Card log-in for eLibrary

For example: for log-in purposes the card number above would be  0000000006216

If you have any problems logging into a database, please contact us through email at info@cramahelibrary.ca

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Age & Consent
Please select an age, and don't forget to check the box if the applicant is under the age of 16.

© 2024 Cramahe Township Public Library. All Rights Reserved. Always try to save paper! Print only when required.